Step 1 of 19 - General Information
Your application can be started now but to fully complete this application, you will need to upload the following documents where prompted:
Please enter at least one emergency contact.
Advantage In-Home Services requires you to show proof of a valid driver’s license and car insurance if you elect to operate a vehicle. If you are not able to show proof of these things, you are not allowed to drive and it is expected that you take public transit.
Prior to operating a vehicle to and from work and/or during working hours, certain credentials must be met and Advantage In-Home Services must approve these services.
Completion of this section does not qualify as approval. You must receive verbal approval from a supervisor prior to providing shopping and errands or transportation services.
In order to qualify and be approved to provide these services you must have:
You will be required to upload a copy of your drivers license and car insurance on the uploads page. NOTE: YOU WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED TO UPLOAD ADDITIONAL VEHICLE DOCUMENTS ON THE UPLOADS PAGE.
In order to be eligible for hire, you must prove that you have employment experience working as a homemaker/aide/nurse OR that you have paid or unpaid experience caring for children, the elderly or the sick. If we are unable to verify your experience through an employer listed in the last section of this application, then we will need to verify your experience through a personal reference or volunteer activities.
Please provide us with who we can contact to verify your experience.
Advantage In- Home Services, LLC is required by law to run background checks prior to hire. Please refer to the Background Policy and authorization at the end of this application for more details.
Advantage In-Home Services is responsible for ensuring and documenting that the health of each employee allows them to perform their assigned job duties adequately, safely and poses no risk or hazards to the client or other employees they may come into contact with. It is our expectation that the following health statement be completed truthfully.
It is the policy of Advantage In-Home Services that all employees be free of communicable diseases while working. It is our expectation that the Communicable Disease Statement be completed truthfully. Having a communicable disease does not disqualify you from employment however you will be required to be free of communicable disease before you can report to work. A communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include contact with blood and bodily fluids, breathing in an airborne virus, etc.
At times, a home care client may have shopping and errands on their care plan. This means that the caregiver will be asked to leave the client’s home for a short time during their shift (usually once a week) to run essential errands on behalf of the client. These errands should be as close to the client’s home as possible to places like the grocery store, drug store, hardware store, etc. The caregiver is NOT allowed to drive the client’s car and the client is not allowed to ride with the caregiver. (*Some funder sources do allow for other transportation situations BUT this needs prior approval and a separate policy and screening protocols are in place*)
You are not allowed to drive a vehicle during working hours without a valid driver’s license and car insurance as required by law.
If no, you are not eligible to use your personal vehicle during working hours.
Due to the occupational risk of being potentially exposed to Hepatitis B through blood and other potentially infectious materials, Advantage Home Care is required to offer you the opportunity to receive the vaccination at no cost to you.
For the positon of In-Home Aide/Caregiver/Homemaker you are required to complete 24 hours of new hire training. You are paid minimum wage for all 24 hours. This training is broken down in the following way:
Please call the office at (888) 678-2464 between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday to speak to a member of our staff. The training schedule for the job you applied for is mandatory.
I hereby authorize my current and/or past employers to release any and all references and records related to my current or past employment and work history to Advantage Home Care. I release you and your company from any and all liability for providing information regarding my employment and work history. I also authorize for Advantage Home Care to contact any references that I have provided to them and understand that if requested, identifying information other than my name may be provided in order to properly identify me (address, social security number, etc.).
I acknowledge that I am not allowed to operate a vehicle while working for Advantage Home Care in any capacity without a valid driver’s license and car insurance.
I acknowledge that my choice to receive or not to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination offered to me is solely my decision and I do not hold Advantage Home Care or its affiliates responsible for any health-related issues related to my decision.
Applicant Statement and Acknowledgement
Please read the following statements carefully before electronically signing this application. Only applications that are e-signed, dated and completed in full are considered valid.